Discovery Call
insight, foresight, ideas & strategies

There's a special magic when you feel happy, clear, and certain about the direction you're heading. Your energy of Confidence is Magnetic

Your presence, influence and impact changes with 
  • Feel-right decisions grounded in intuitive clarity.
  • Innovative ideas to navigate dynamic situations.
  • Practical strategies designed with alignment and optimal timing.
With the right ideas, innovations, strategy and guidance your natural excitement, clarity, confidence and energy become your gamechanger. 
Your birthdate is your key to turn the depleting energy of feeling stuck, pressured and ever-searching for into vibrancy flow and better results.  Experience positive change in your life and business the moment you start your your path of Your Unfolding Way.
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 We've entered

a new era

A time that transformational leaders, soul professionals, and compassionate experts have long been preparing for. It is a time for the unconventional, intuitive, sensitive, kind and holistic ways to flourish and expand their positive impact in life and business.
We are now cosmically supported to welcome more peace, simplicity, freedom, and fulfillment into our work, well-being, and relationships. This is the perfect opportunity to embrace our true essence, shine in our individuality and to be acknowledged for our optimisim, experience and intelligence. It's time to nourish ourselves as we serve the greater good - making choices and moving forward in ways that resonate with our aspirations, values, and our innermost calling.
Is it your time to shine? 
As an investigator, guide, navigator and translator, I'll help you to discover, design and plot you optimal way forward when you need it . Once in while 1-1 sessions and retreats, in bursts of classes or longer periods of mentorship.  You'll always experience discovery and design embracing potential, opportunties, personal and professional growth.
Your commitment to excellence and freedom to do things your way, is met with my value for the same. I come with keen intuition, playful wit, wisdom and experience of finding clarity, hope, confirmation and relief through understanding.  Illumination gives  freedom from drama, struggle, challenge and misunderstanding.
If you're ready to move forward faster with lightness, balanced power and peace - to move into flow, effectiveness and productivity and enjoy a journey of growth, discovery and design let's start with a conversation of where you are and where you're heading and we'll both know where to go from there.
"Always such a joy to review & refine my annual business plans and goals with Judy O! 

Her insights have greatly helped clarify my vision for my company. She is also helping me find balance, and the right timing, to successfully ride the waves of my personal goals for this year. And with surfing, as in business, timing is everything. Judy helps you to clear the noise, so you have the space & confidence to make the best decisions at the best time." 

Deb Wilson Smith

 Gardens of Joy

"She has provided me with invaluable insights and has been a supportive guide as I navigate my next level of growth.

Before meeting with Judy I had been contemplating the next move in my business. I was feeling frustrated at my urge to make some tweaks. I felt like I was beyond that phase in my business and that making changes would slow my progress. In looking at my astrology and numerology, Judy was able to pull specific themes that helped me clarify what my ideal client needs from me most. She reassured me that I am right on track with where I'm supposed to be. Judy also provided insight into the best time to rest and the best time to take action to move my new projects forward." 

Whitney Coupland

Human Design & Gene Keys Guide for Entrepreneurs

please excuse the mess as we update this website below

There's lots to read if you like - it's in the process of being edited and organized

The pursuit of success and happiness can be dauting - Especially when you're doing it alone.

Even the most competent, confident and intelligent women have moments of question, uncertainty and doubt. Times when we feel overwhelmed, limited, lost or blocked. Challenged to find what's right for you.

We're going to get you feeling empowered, re-energized and free. We're going to reformulate what's going on, clarify what you can let go of and simplify so you get you back to working in your element and living in the flow. 

  • Quiet the inner critic, guilt, dissappointment and shame of curve-balls or things not going as planned. 

  • Find peace and resolve the inner conflict of unmet expectations and the frustration of not achieving desired results and respect.

  • Lighten the load that's been weighing on your wellbeing, spirit, relationships and work.

Classes & 1-1 offer  ways to gain deeper understanding, clarity and insights to navigate life's ups and downs and get into the flow. A roadmap to quickly unlock your true potential, understand what's going on and move forward with confidence. A way to discover your uniqueness that sets you apart and propels you towards a prosperous future. Insight that embraces your individuality so you can shine brighter.

Life & Business Your Way

is easier said than done.

To step off the highway of the masses and answer the call of your soul, means taking a path less worn. To trust your intuition and your unfolding path in life and business is not for the faint of heart. Uncertainty, delayed results, limitations and lack of clarity are probably the hardest part.
New circumstances, overwhelm, pressure and high expectations for someone with a need for harmony and balance, can cause havoc between our mind and emotions. Sensitive to external energy and other's opinions it can feel hard to trust yourself and take off, let alone flourish and fly. Layer on memories of your stronger times and unfulfilled expectations and good old guilt, shame and dissappointment creep in and pulls our energy and spirit further down.
Even the most competent, confident, strong and optimistic women can come to this point in times of uncertainty, doubt and big change. 

What do you google?  Who can help?

...when your mind's asking  - "am I crazy? feel exasperated

and your heart's calling you to find your truth.

I'm here as a teacher, interpreter and wayshower with both practical and spiritual solutions. To help you reconnect yourself with your values and your vision. Because I've walked this path and guided conscious women before you, you get wisdom of experience, positive energy, smart and caring guidance shining light on your optimal path. I help you to avoid the potholes, prepare for opportunties and bridge that gap between where you are and what you want. In classes, I'll teach you how to read your own map, trust your inner compass and see wonders on your path of discovery and growth.


As soon as we reframe your uncertainty You reclaim your power.

The moment you see potential in and around yourself you have the keys to increase your power of influence and open doors of profound possibility.

With clarity, foresight and awareness not only will you be equiped to make confident and effective decisions, you'll amplify the best parts of yourself and communicate in ways that are engaging, enjoyable and influential. Your marketing, presence and conversations will become more aligned, inviting and trustable and in being so, increase the impact you need to grow, achieve and flourish.
My unique methodology interweaving Numerology, Astrology and Chinese Metaphysics gives you unique insight into yours and surrounding potential that you can tap into to maximize your performance and make a name for yourself and your work. I help you capitalize on your resources and good fortune, minimize and avoid difficulties, and clarify the best focus for your energy.
When you work and learn with me you will get fresh perspective, inspiration, teachings and guidance that provide fast accurate insights and a clear way that resonates with your truth. I'll help you to be proactive, take control of your destiny and tap into your power. Together we'll amplify your ability to make magic happen.
With a clear sense of self, direction, and purpose you'll have the eyes to see opportunities and the confidence to take bold actions.  With clarity and confirmation you'll speed up, enjoy, and be more effective turning your invisible ideas and desires into tangible reality.
Solutions, Validation and Confirmation
I have the unique gift of being able to get to the root cause and bring creative solutions to problems that aren't clear cut or easily visible. My sharp mind loves to probe into corners and explore all perspective. With my strong powers of observation, listening and highly tuned intuition merged with a large reservior of knowlege and practical wisdom, I give you fast and perceptive insights, fresh ideas, new options and practical actions.
I bring you validation, confirmation, signposts and timing with Astrology, Numerology and Metaphysics in a way that it will feel spot-on when you hear it. Insight and foresight will help you get out of internal conflict and second-guessing, shift limiting beliefs and old strories. New conscious awareness, fresh perspective and choices opens doors and illuminates your way forward. Your peace of mind and fresh perspective is a game changer.
Feeling free to be you and confident in your choices your vitalized energy naturally attracts opportunties and wonderful experiences, and leads you to special results.
We start with a 1-1 session to get Oriented and Clear and find your Best Strategy to move forward.
Workshops give you tools and answers as your learn.  Full day retreats provide a beautiful space to clarify your Vision and come back to center.
Join me to learn how to improve your performance and bring in more grace and ease. Find your Focus for the year andmaximize your time and energy working in your element. Create our own harmonious life/work flow. Break invisible chains and clear limiting subconscious beliefs joining align & clear. Experience consistent improvement in your life and business intentionally co-creating each month. 

Is Uncertainty Standing in Your Way?

Have pressure and unmet expectations been stealing your power?

Are you tired of trial and error, second-guessing, overwhelm, burnout or indecision? Had enough of others telling you what you should do? Is pressure mounting?

It's time for you to break free of limitations and out of chaos, confusion and complexity. To feel centred in your truth, your values and your true nature. To be you and share your brilliance in your own unique way.

In your very first 1-1 session feel huge relief from stress, frustration and pressure. Feel the harmony of returning inner-equalibrium, the peace of reorientation and the glow of revived confidence as Judy reveals energetic support and invisible assets for you to leverage and run with. Judy will help you find that elusive missing piece and feel coherant within yourself.  Personalized solutions help you clear what's been standing in your way. Feel long-held questions and inner conflict dissolve with fresh perspective, ideas and new understanding. Get a positive boost in your outlook and energy with your map for what's next and what lies on your horizon.

Working primarily with ambitious Conscious Leaders, Creatives, Soul Professionals and heart-led entrepreneurs Judy uses Astrology, Numerology and Chinese Metaphysics to help you reclaim your power and use it to your advantage. Identifying what's holding you down and the influences at play, she'll help you reorient into a stronger position free from the heart-mind battle and empowered with increased certainty and confidence. 

Let's end the circling in doubt and searching

Let's get you empowered with Certainty

Unlock Your Peak Potential and Vocation If you're looking to step into your fullest expression, for enlivening breakthroughs and growth, Judy will lead you on a path of discovery and guide you with a creative approach. Using astrological insight and foresight she'll help you to chart your best course and strategize your plans, giving you awareness and confirmation to feel confident in your direction, decisions, choices and timing.

Harness Strategic Timing & Find Your Focus & Flow  Harness the power of Strategic timing and your own rhythm of productivity. Astrology and numero-logical awareness leads to deeper understanding, relief, and increased grace, peace and wellbeing. Feel revived and stronger in yourself with a greater sense of when things will likely happen or when energy is available to support your aspirations and projects. Feel liberated with assurance you have energy supporting your direction and timing. With ongoing awareness and alignment working with Judy over time, you'll feel increasingly congruent, comfortable and secure in your postion and decisions. You'll build a strong  foundation of core certainty and affirm your own way to reach great heights.

Strengthen Your Certainty and Grow stronger in your communications, sales and marketing. Solidify your authority, trust and credibility with your clients and target audience, and build lasting community connections.  Experience financial returns and new opportunties as you project a clear aura of certainty aligned with your innermost truth.  With new awareness and trust in your personal uniqueness and your own distinct advantages, turn old judgements and criticism, into value, respect and attraction. Feel liberated and strong as you become more bold and decisive and more trusting of your intuitive wisdom.

If you're on a soulpreneurial path with a holistic perspective of wealth, and a vision of a life well lived, you're in the right place.  Here are opportunities for you to discover, learn and grow, and to feel clear in your way to live in the richest and fullest expression of yourself. You'll find life-long tools that empower freedom, flexibilty, productivity and impact. Here you'll experience bright ideas, inspiration and insights to step into your uniqueness, and make a difference from a place of wellbeing, happiness and growing fulfillment.

Start with a Discovery session and experience  the Liberating RELIEF you get working with Judy


Powerful, Confident & Happy in your decisions, direction and strategy.

 Productive & In the Flow as you align your calendar, work and expectations with your truth, your nature, your Life path and Divine timing.

Happier, Stronger and Richer as you move into a fuller and clearer expression of your uniqueness, brand and services.

Enjoy Freedom, Fulfillment, Transformation and Autonomy in your Life & Your Work - investing in growth of your most valuable asset - YOU.

"Always such a joy to review & refine my 2024 business plans and goals with Judy O! 

Her insights have greatly helped clarify my vision for my company. She is also helping me find balance, and the right timing, to successfully ride the waves of my personal goals for this year. And with surfing, as in business, timing is everything. Judy helps you to clear the noise, so you have the space & confidence to make the best decisions at the best time." 

Deb Wilson Smith - Gardens of Joy

If you're ready to unlock potential that will take you to new heights, get ideas that spark action and set your creativity on fire   Book a 1-1 or sign up to receive insightful and empowering emails. 

Open the door and change your life and business for the better!

Choose from 1-1 sessions, workshops, retreats, masterminds and stategic planning sessions to enjoy growth and expansion, wealth and success through clarity, acceptance, authentic expression and alignment.

Let's get you Flourishing - happy today, and enlivened co-creating with your unfolding future

 Astrology & Numerology Insights for Your Life & Business

thought provoking and actionable insights delivered directly to your inbox each month
Sign Up Now


Your birth chart is your map 

Your birth date holds the keys to soul fulfillment and maximum performance. Your numerology and astrology charts provide perspective on your current circumstances, foresight for opportunities and best direction along with clarity to trust your path. It holds secrets to your branding, marketing and planning, highlighting where and when you'll find success in your work.

Working with me you get unique interpretation with depth and breadth of perception, interwoven with decades of experience in relieving entreprenerial trials and tribulations. You can feel confident knowing my keen Intuitive interpretation and creative solutions are founded in decades of study, observation, research and practical application.
Stepping back to look at things from an energetic perspective we see things differently, objectively and in a more empowering light. Forecasting helps us to build strategies to maximize your performance, strengthen your reputation and achieve success. This wisdom and knowledge gives you power to shape your future. Peace and acceptance to be where you are, fulfillment and enjoyment creating the destiny you want. I'll help you align to your desires, position for growth and help you make surprising gains from big, small and modest opportunities.

Let's start with a conversation

Book Now

get oriented & clear

feel confident in your next step & decisions
At the centre of your Practice and as the Leader of your life your Inner-Certainty and Clarity is key. When you truly know who you are, and what you bring to others, magic happens. When you are able to present clear ideas, thoughts and decisions easily, people listen. Your clarity, courage and noticable confidence forms the foundation of healthy attention, momentum, growth and profits. 
Whether you're in start-up, growth, transition or change, being clear and confident, trusting yourself and how you perform best significantly impacts your reputation and the growth of your practice.