Discovery Call

over come the internal challenges

Overcome your inner conflicts, overwhelm and second guessing about you, your direction and timing.
Kind, sensitive and caring women with an entrepreneurial spirit and solution focused, can have moments of doubt and inertia. Highs and lows of courage and confusion, and ebb and flow of trust, energy and action.
Working to create balance and harmony while achieving great things is a tall order in today's ecomomy and uncertain times. You are part of a great transition, leading the way and doing your part in creating a better world. Your work improves quality of life and supports wellbeing, happiness, success and fulfillment for your clients. They choose you for your own unique way, your talent and values.
Your leading edge journey to bring your inner calling to fulfillment through your work isn't easy. You may feel top of your game, in your element knowing this is totally your thing in one moment and then swing into questioning your sanity because things are taking longer than you expected. You trust your inner calling most of the time, but then you'll listen to "an expert" and wonder if you should.
Life circumstances, new information or the other people may have thrown you for a loop. Or maybe you've had enough. With these catalysts of change you're faced with fresh choices and decisions to make. You find yourself in time of discovery and development of what's next for you. You have to step back, reassess and realign. Find what's right, possible and true for you.
Get real with where you are, get clear on where you're going. A time to figure out timing, direction and priority.
Create coherance in your many roles, ideas, options and responsibilities.
As smart and competent as you are, there are going to be times you need objective perspective and creative solutions. Times when you need a sounding board, deeper understanding and clarity using a different set of skills and experience. Some enlightening inspiration, fresh awareness and wisdom that connects the dots and gives you a deep sense of confidence to make your next move.

Let's start with a conversation

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